SBUHB Unveils Climate Action Plan 2024-26

Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) has unveiled its Climate Action Plan for 2024-2026, aiming for a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030.

The plan underscores the health board’s commitment to combating climate change while promoting sustainable practices within the healthcare sector.

Dr Richard Evans, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Swansea Bay University Health Board, said in his foreword: “I am proud to be able to introduce our second plan responding to the Climate Emergency, renamed the ‘Climate Action Plan’.

“This plan highlights the amazing work that has been undertaken since approval of the first plan (March 2022), and how we look to build on this over the next two years.”

He concluded: “The health emergency caused by the climate emergency will need all of us to continue to be bold and brave in our actions if we are to truly thrive. I remain committed to supporting our teams to build on their achievements, and to working closely with Welsh Government and our partners to deliver the change we need.”

The plan highlights where further progress can build upon previous successes

SBUHB has worked with Welsh Government, other Welsh Health Boards, wider public sector, and businesses to drive emissions reductions. Key successes from the initial plan include:

  • The Estates team have led on carbon emissions reductions, between 2019/20 and 2022/23 the HB has used less natural gas (-9%), gas oil (-84%) and grid electricity (-24%)
  • The Procurement Team has developed materials to support staff in understanding their responsibilities when procuring goods & services
  • A group of theatre staff have initiated nitrous oxide reduction and theatre shutdown schemes
  • Pharmacy have developed an inhaler decarbonisation programme, including clinics with patients focussing on better inhaler use with potential to save 8.5 tonnes of CO2e
  • Collaboration between Wellbeing, Charity and the Sustainable Travel group to install bike maintenance stations and lockable bike racks
  • Theatre Matrons introducing reusable scrub jackets, reducing disposable gown use
  • Three Clinical Leads to lead embedding sustainability in clinical spaces appointed in November 2023

Now, the Health Board is looking ahead and has identified areas to build upon these advancements, including in the areas of travel, ways of working, and procurement.

Sustainable Healthcare, formerly known as ‘Approach to Healthcare’, is the largest section of the plan, seeking to embed what sustainable healthcare is into everything the Health Board does. Sustainable healthcare is defined as:

“Sustainable healthcare delivers high quality care without damaging the environment, is affordable now and in the future and delivers positive social impact” Centre for Sustainable Healthcare.”

Since implementation of the previous plan, synergies with other areas have been identified including Quality, Value Based Healthcare, and Population Health. Working alongside these wider teams and highlighting where and how their work supports sustainability is key in providing tangible examples of what sustainable healthcare is.

Sustainable healthcare is the area where there can be the biggest emissions reduction and support of Well Being of Future Generations Act, through reducing wastes and making sure resources are used in the best possible way.

The full plan and emissions information is available by emailing