NHS Enlists Tech Innovator to Bring App to 250,000 Unpaid Carers

Technology company, Care Networx, has signed a major deal with NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) to bring a new, first-of-its-kind carers app, to the 250,000 unpaid carers in West Yorkshire.
According to latest ONS Census 2021 data there are 5.7 million unpaid carers in the UK, around 9% of the population. However, Carers UK believe numbers could be as high as 10.6 million today, with over 2% (250,000) of these in West Yorkshire. Based on the charity’s Caring Behind Closed Door report, 81% of these are providing more care than ever as the needs of their loved one increases.
This escalating scale of unpaid care is estimated to be saving the Government £162bn a year, with a significant number reportedly working more than 100 hours a week, juggling work and care commitments.
The app will support carers by consolidating data and facilitating communication
Launching early next year, the app will provide proactive support to unpaid carers and help streamline care processes. From uploading important health and legal files, to helping manage household bills and medication, users will, for the first time, be able to securely access and manage vital health and care information all from their device, making caring for someone much easier.
Unpaid carers can invite others into their ‘circle of care’ such as family members, other carers and volunteers, to communicate and share information through the app. The app also integrates with wearable and home devices like Fitbit, Google Home and Amazon Alexa to control and monitor alerts such as heart rate, blood pressure, and room temperature, remotely.
In addition, Care Networx has built in a Contingency Plan function, uniquely developed for West Yorkshire ICB. This plan will link to the Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR) to allow professionals to enact contingency plans in the unexpected absence of the carer.
Kulvant Sandhu, Senior Programme Manager for Unpaid Carers, Personalisation & PEoLC at West Yorkshire ICB said: “We are committed to continue to support unpaid carers across West Yorkshire with an aspiration to be a region where carers are recognised and given the support they need to manage their caring roles.
“The development of this carers app and digital contingency plan, which will link to carers’ NHS records, part of The NHS Long Term plan, will benefit many carers in our region. We plan to coproduce the content with carers and aim to launch in early 2025.”
West Yorkshire ICB covers five local authority areas, including Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield District. Its health and care landscape includes four NHS community and mental health trusts, six acute hospital trusts, six councils, three community providers, 291 GP practices and over 442 care homes.
Alexis Twigg, Founder of Care Networx, added:
“As someone who has first-hand experience as an unpaid carer, developing the carers app is more than just a passion project – it is a necessity.
“Think WhatsApp, DropBox and many other permission-based collaboration platforms all in one that empowers unpaid carers with the digital tools to support a loved one, that promotes proactive care by default, and reduces stress and anxiety for all concerned- enabling access to information at the touch of a few buttons.
“Winning the contract with West Yorkshire ICB with the support of 6b Digital, a technology consultancy, means more carers in the region will now benefit from the app. We hope that other ICBs and areas follow in the footsteps of West Yorkshire, working with us to bring proactive care technology to their regions.”
Care Networx was part of the Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber Propel@YH digital accelerator programme, that helped form the bridge to winning the NHS West Yorkshire ICB.
The app will be available on iPhone and Android early next year. For further details visit https://www.carenetworx.com/ or watch the full video here.