Health 100 – Decarbonising the NHS


Health 100 – Decarbonising the NHS

The NHS is responsible for 5% of carbon emissions in the UK and estate emissions comprise approximately 15% of the total NHS carbon emissions profile. With the NHS operating over 1,000 hospitals and primary and tertiary buildings – the demand for net zero is significant within the sector.

The NHS is heading into an unprecedented financial crisis and will overspend on its budget as it overcomes the difficulties of Covid, which has led to a prioritisation of delivering patient care. With an ageing estate that continues to require to be upgraded now is the time for the NHS to set long term plans in place which will set us on the path to meeting our targets. Whilst the Greener NHS Programme has set the blueprint for change, a number of Trusts are at the infancy of their net zero plans. Now more than ever, the NHS needs partners to help them support their objectives, drawing on specialist expertise from the supply chain.

As we look to the future an imagine what the NHS will look like at 100, we know that transitioning to a net zero health system won’t be easy and will require a consistent focus. This will include many interventions, including overhauling their fleet, which by 2033, staff travel emissions will be reduced by 50% through a shift to more sustainable travel and by 2040 all fleet being decarbonised,

This one day conference will explore decarbonising the NHS in more detail, allowing for panel discussions and technical presentations outlining the vision for the future.

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